广西铁哥制药有限公司位于广西首府南宁市,生产基地设在广西崇左市扶绥县中国——东盟青年产业园东园大道18号,专业生产右旋糖酐铁原料药,广泛应用于治疗人体及动物缺铁性贫血。公司于2007年一次性通过了国家药品GMP认证,获得国药准字的生产批准文号,并于2012年顺利通过GMP复检,年产注射级右旋糖酐铁溶液1000吨,右旋糖酐铁干粉150吨/年,是国内最大规模的右旋糖酐铁生产基地。 公司80%以上的员工为大、中专学历,技术力量雄厚,生产工艺先进,设备精良,并配有高效液相色谱仪,旋光仪,紫外分光光度计,分析天平等精密的先进检测仪器,确保产品质量稳定可靠,品质优良,含铁量高,粘度低,吸收快,产品畅销全国各地并出口至欧美及东南亚地区,深受国内外广大新老客户青睐。 选择铁哥制药,服务热情周到 产品药效良好,质量稳定可靠
Locating in Nanning city which is capital of Guangxi province, Guangxi TG Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a stock pharmaceutical enterprise specializing in the researching, manufacturing and selling of Iron Dextran (treatment of human and animal’s iron deficiency anemia drug), we had passed GMP approved, manufacturing iron dextran solution (injection grade) 100tons per year, and iron dextran powder 150 tons per year, we now have become the biggest Iron Dextran manufacturer in China. 80% of our staffs have the college or technical secondary school education. In addition, we have the experienced technicians in the fields of pharmacy, chemistry and analysis, and we have the HPLC, Polarimeter, UV spectrophotometer, analytical balance etc advanced nice testing instruments, insure to the stabilization of quality. Good quality, high content of Ferric, low viscidity and absorb fasterly, have good selling around the world. Choose TG Pharma, complete hospitality service! Good potency, dependable and stable quality! |