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单价: 580.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 960 人关注
更新: 2015-03-10
数量: 减少 增加件 库存300件
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Jiangzhi Delivery box is used mainly in emerging fiber glass material, with thermal insulation, keep flavor, environmental, health , high strength and light weight for multiple renovation of the use .Both can showing the strength, features in thecompetition. Jiangzhi has become the first brand in China's delivery product, the internationally renowned brands, innovative products in Shenzhen.



Currently our company has developed 12 Series delivery boxes mainly to delivery pizza, fast food, milk tea, herbal tea, fruit and cold drinks, cakes, etc; And developed 2 boxes use to Express Logistics is mainly used for sending and receiving packagesurrounding areas to facilitate the short-range transceivers to low cost.Also has one model used for the a bicycle (including electric) / Motorcycles (including electric) on the flow of used boxes and other advertising.


为更好更便利地更快捷地为全球客户提供外送箱产业最好的功能与服务,我司首家制定外送箱产品全球第一部标准即Q/JZ 18·D01-2008《江智JZERA外送箱通用技术条件》,从20092月首家开始实施《江智外送箱综合服务实施细则20102月改版《外送箱》书刊杂志为全球首家出版发行〈外送箱〉电子杂志并免费发送。






Jiangzhi developed the delivery box has the one to fix on the vehicles (electric bicycle, motorcycle, bicycle, etc.), as well as has the portable style and back-style box.The one that can fix on the vehicles we supply the bracket freely. If customer vehicle (such as scooter,when not suited to post-shelf),can be developed to match the shelf.


In addition,we developed the delivery box according to the different customers and different goods and special requirements can be refine the box configuration,as well as the logo to the surface of a different color,in order to the customer when delivery their food at the same time publicize and demonstrate.

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