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供应Avermectin Pour-on畜用药 (图)

单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 河北 石家庄市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2012-11-06 21:37
浏览次数: 1024
Avermectin Pour-on Solution Name Avermectin Pour-on Solution Origin It is a confected solution of Avermectin and Nantokite nitride .The purity of B1 (B1a+ B1b)should be90.0%~110.0% of scalar quantity; Nantokite nitride is at least 3.0%. This product is clarity solution between achromatism and yellowish appreciably ropy! Use The product is an antibiotic agent, which is active against nematodes, insects, mites and the like. The product is indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal nematodes, hyproderma bovis, hyproderma lineatm, sheep nose bot, psoroptes ovis, sarcoptes scabiei var suis, sarcoptes ovis and the like. Useage and dosage Pour or inunction Recommended dosage: 0.1ml/kg b.w. The cattle and pig should be poured along the midline of its back,from its shoulder backwards.The dog and rabbit should be spreaded the inside of their ears. Withholding Periods Meat: Cattle、pig: 42 days; Milk: Do not use during lactation 。 Specification (1) 2ml :Avermectin B110mg; (2)100ml: Avermectin B1500mg; (3) 500ml: Avermectin B12500mg. Package 100ml/bottle、500ml/bottle、1000ml/bottle。 Storage Sealed tightly and stored away from light in a cool place.
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